Into The Void

Create a blog using Hugo and Github Pages

Learn how to setup and host your own website using a static html generator - Hugo.

Published on Apr 5 2021 at 2:13pm

Update: Added section on adding Github Action for Hugo build

This is a guide on how you can create a blog or website from scratch using Hugo and Github. This is also my first post on this blog, which has been created using the steps mentioned in this article using Hugo and Github Pages.

It is quite easy to create a blog using Wordpress or some other CMS but the simplicity of Hugo is what drove me to it. Hugo is a static html generator. This means, you write posts using Markdown and templates using any text editor. Hugo then processes these files and generates a bunch of html and css.

This has the benefit of making it extremely easy to deploy to just about any cloud service or provider. This is where Github Pages comes in. Github Pages is free and if you have a Github account, you are already well on your way.

I used a Macbook Air M1 for creating this blog and the steps outlined in this article should be more or less the same whether you use Windows / MacOS or Linux. Lets get our elbows greasy.

Create Repos

We will begin by creating 2 repositories in our Github account - 1. Base repo ‘blog’ for hosting our posts / source code / files created by Hugo 2. Blog hosting repo ‘’ for hosting the actual blog, which consists of generated html and css

Create the base repo on Github by clicking the ‘+’ button on your Github page. I’ve decided to call my base repo ‘blog’. Clone this repository to your machine (even if it doesn’t contain any files at the moment)

git clone
cd blog/

From the Github website, click the ‘+’ button again to create a new repository called ‘’. Replace username with your Github user name.

Add this second repo (which we will use for hosting our blog) as a submodule of our base repo -

git submodule add public

The above command will add the hosting repo as a submodule into the ‘public’ folder.

Install Hugo

Download the Hugo binaries from the Hugo Releases page. As I am using MacOS, I used the command -

brew install hugo

For detailed installation instructions, visit Verify Hugo installed correctly by

hugo version

Create a new site

hugo create new site myblogname

The above command will create a basic website with enough boilerplate to let us get started.

Add a theme

Visit for a collection of available Hugo themes. Once you have decided which theme you wish to use for your website / blog,

cd myblogname
git submodule add themes/ananke

Your folder structure should now look like ~/blog/myblogname/config.toml | Configuration File ~/blog/myblogname/themes/ananke/ | Theme folder ~/blog/myblogname/public | Second hosting repo

Update config.toml

theme = "ananke"
title = "Karan Kadam"
baseURL = ""
theme = "ananke"
themesDir = "./themes"

Create your first post

hugo create new posts/

Build your blog

hugo -t "ananke"

This will generate all the html and styling required for your blog and publish them under the “public” folder. The -t flag tells hugo to use your selected theme.

Local test

hugo server --bind

This will launch the built in webserver and your blog will be available locally. Goto a webbrowser and access http://localhost:1313 and you should see your blog, styled according to the theme you chose and containing your first sample post.

Deploy your website to Github Pages

To be able to share your website with the rest of the world, you will need to host it somewhere. We chose the repository at ‘’. Check in all your changes and push them to the -

cd ~/blog/myblogname/public
git status
git add -A
git commit -m "initial test commit" # commit contents of ~/blog/myblogname/public
git push
cd ../..
git add -A
git commit -m "initial test commit" # commit contents of ~/blog/

If it all went well, accessing should take you to your freshly baked blog. Here on, all you need to do is,

hugo create new posts/
hugo -t "ananke"

Markdown resources

It is a good idea to read up and familiarise yourself with Markdown Syntax. It is quite compact and can be learned in a single sitting. I would recommend starting with The Markdown Cheatsheet to quickly understand how to write posts in any editor using the Markdown syntax. Keep writing! :metal:

Bonus - Automate the Hugo build

To automate your flow even further, you can create a Github Action, which will automatically run Hugo for you and publish to your repository for you. This will save you any manual work of building your blog each time and pushing back to your public repo. The added benefit of this approach is you no longer need access to the cli. You can log into your Github base repo from your phone, add Mardown posts from the WebUI and your Github Actions pipeline will take care of the rest. Begin by adding a GitHub action file to your base repo -

vim ./github/workflows/main.yml

Here is a what my main.yml file looks like -

name: CI
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
      - name: Git checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Update theme
        run: git submodule update --init --recursive

      - name: Setup hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
          hugo-version: "0.82.0"

      - name: Build
        run: cd username && hugo -t ananke && pwd && ls -a ./public

      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          deploy_key: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY }}
          external_repository: username/
          publish_dir: ./intothevoid/public
          user_name: username
          publish_branch: main

Replace values with your own where needed.

A quick explanation of the above Github Action is given below - 1. Checkout - checkout the base repo 2. Update - Update your theme which was added as a submodule 3. Setup Hugo - Call an external action which basically installs Hugo 4. Build - Build the website by calling hugo -t ananke 5. Deploy - Publish the built files to your external public repo

Note: There is a bit of setup involved where you need to generate your token (indicated by deploy key above). I would highly recommend visiting for details of the external action and how to setup your token.

This should get you at a stage where you can simply push a post written in Markdown format to your base repo and the rest should happen automatically. Post –> Commit Base Repo –> Github Action –> Build Blog –> Publish Static HTML.

Tags: hugo , web , linux