Tasmania, 2021
Hi! My name is Karan and I’ve been writing code professionally for about 16 years now.
My programming journey has taken me from Medical Electronics to Simulation to Defence.
I started dabbling with computers when I was in 7th grade and my parents bought my sister a Pentium 166MMX. This was a single core processor that ran at a 166Mhz! It had 16mb (yes megabytes) of memory and a 2.1gb hard drive.
I started playing video games on this computer (Doom / Duke Nukem 3D) and developed an interest in tweaking the computer (I remember using XTeq X-Setup) and tinkering with batch and ini files.
This slowly transformed into writing small utilities using Visual Basic (which I learned from a book by Peter Norton). I studied Mechanical Engineering but realised quickly I was passionate about writing Software and got myself a Bachelors in Computer Science. I did a Masters in Software Engineering before I started working as a Software Developer.
My current language of choice is Go
I ♥️ travel and have lived / worked in India, Japan and the US. I now live in Adelaide, Australia with my wife Snehal.
My other interests include motorcycles, video games and street photography.
I write about code, technology, photography and anything that catches my interest. I hope you enjoy your stay here. You can get in touch with me via email at karankadam+blog@gmail.com.