Crash Course in Go

Posted on Dec 8, 2022

Go, also known as Golang, is a modern, open-source programming language developed by Google. It is designed to be fast, efficient, and scalable, and it is widely used in a variety of applications, from web servers and cloud services to games and machine learning.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a crash course on Go programming, including its features, syntax, and available keywords. We’ll also include some examples to demonstrate how to use these concepts in your own code.

Features of Go

Go is a compiled, statically-typed language that has a simple, clean syntax and a robust standard library. Some of its key features include:

  1. Concurrency: Go has built-in support for concurrent and parallel programming, using lightweight “goroutines” and “channels” to communicate between threads.

  2. Memory safety: Go uses a unique ownership and borrowing model to ensure that memory is used safely and efficiently. This helps prevent common errors like null or dangling pointers.

  3. Type system: Go has a statically-typed type system, with support for both primitive types and user-defined types. It also has type inference, which allows the compiler to automatically infer the type of a variable based on its value.

  4. Garbage collection: Go has a garbage collector that automatically frees memory when it is no longer needed, eliminating the need for manual memory management.

  5. Standard library: Go has a comprehensive standard library that includes a wide range of modules and functions for common tasks, such as input/output, networking, cryptography, and data structures. This makes it easy to write powerful and efficient programs without relying on external libraries.

Syntax of Go

Go has a simple, easy-to-learn syntax that is similar to other C-style languages. Here are some of the key elements of Go’s syntax:

  1. Comments: Go supports single-line and multi-line comments, using the // and /* */ syntax, respectively.

  2. Packages: Go programs are organized into packages, which are used to organize and reuse code. A package consists of one or more Go source files in the same directory, with the package keyword at the top of each file.

  3. Functions: Go has support for defining and calling functions, using the func keyword and the () syntax. A function can take zero or more arguments and return zero or more values.

  4. Variables: Go has support for declaring and initializing variables, using the var keyword and the := syntax. A variable can be of a specific type or it can be inferred from its initial value.

  5. Control structures: Go has support for the common control structures, such as if, else, for, switch, and return. These can be used to control the flow of a program and make decisions based on its inputs and outputs.

  6. Pointers: Go has support for pointers, which are used to refer to the memory address of a variable. Pointers are declared using the * syntax and they can be dereferenced using the & and * operators.

Keywords of Go

Go has a set of reserved keywords that have special meanings in the language. These keywords cannot be used as variable names or function names, and they must be used according to their specific syntax and semantics. Here are some of the key keywords in Go:

  1. break: This keyword is used to break out of a loop or switch statement.

  2. case: This keyword is used in a switch statement to specify a condition and the code to be executed when that condition is met.

  3. chan: This keyword is used to define a channel type, which is used for concurrent and parallel programming.

  4. const: This keyword is used to define a constant value that cannot be changed at runtime.

  5. continue: This keyword is used to continue to the next iteration of a loop.

  6. default: This keyword is used in a switch statement to specify the code to be executed when none of the other cases match.

  7. defer: This keyword is used to defer the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns.

  8. else: This keyword is used in an if statement to specify the code to be executed when the condition is not met.

  9. fallthrough: This keyword is used in a switch statement to continue to the next case, even if the current case matches.

  10. for: This keyword is used to define a loop that iterates over a range of values or a condition.

  11. func: This keyword is used to define a function.

  12. go: This keyword is used to start a new goroutine, which is a lightweight thread of execution.

  13. goto: This keyword is used to jump to a labeled statement in the same function.

  14. if: This keyword is used to define a conditional statement that executes different code based on a condition.

  15. import: This keyword is used to import other packages into the current package.

  16. interface: This keyword is used to define an interface type, which is a collection of methods that a type must implement.

  17. map: This keyword is used to define a map type, which is a collection of key-value pairs.

  18. package: This keyword is used at the top of a Go source file to specify the package it belongs to.

  19. range: This keyword is used in a for loop to iterate over a range of values, such as the elements of an array or the keys of a map.

  20. return: This keyword is used to return a value from a function.

  21. select: This keyword is used in a select statement to choose from multiple channels and execute the code for the first one that is ready.

  22. struct: This keyword is used to define a struct type, which is a collection of fields that represent the data of an object.

  23. switch: This keyword is used to define a switch statement, which is a conditional statement that compares a value against multiple cases.

  24. type: This keyword is used to define a new type, either by alias or by struct.

  25. var: This keyword is used to declare and initialize a variable.

Examples of Go

To illustrate how to use the features, syntax, and keywords of Go, here are some examples of Go code:

// This is a single-line comment

This is a

package main

import "fmt"

// This is a function that takes two arguments and returns their sum
func add(x int, y int) int {
    return x + y

func main() {
    // This is a variable that is inferred to be of type int
    x := 10

    // This is a variable that is explicitly declared to be of type float64
    var y float64 = 20.5

    // This is a constant that cannot be changed at runtime
    const z = "hello"

    // This is a pointer to the x variable
    p := &x

    // This is a map that associates names with ages
    ages := map[string]int{
        "Alice": 25,
        "Bob": 30,
        "Carol": 35,

    // This is a struct that represents a person
    type Person struct {
        name string
        age int

    // This is a slice of Person objects
    people := []Person{
        {"Alice", 25},
        {"Bob", 30},
        {"Carol", 35},

    // This is an if statement that checks the value of x
    if x > 0 {
        fmt.Println("x is positive")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("x is non-positive") 

	// This is a for loop that iterates over the elements of the people slice
	for _, person := range people {
	    fmt.Println(, person.age)
	// This is a switch statement that checks the value of y
	switch y {
	case 10:
	    fmt.Println("y is 10")
	case 20:
	    fmt.Println("y is 20")
	    fmt.Println("y is something else")

In this code, we see examples of comments, packages, functions, variables, constants, pointers, maps, structs, slices, if statements, for loops, and switch statements. These are all common elements of Go programs, and they can be combined in various ways to create powerful and efficient applications.

package main

import (

// This is a function that uses a channel to receive a message from another goroutine
func receiveMessage(name string, ch chan string) {
    // This is a defer statement that ensures the channel is closed when the function returns
    defer close(ch)

    // This is a for loop that receives messages from the channel until it is closed
    for message := range ch {
        fmt.Println(name, "received message:", message)

// This is a function that uses a wait group to wait for multiple goroutines to finish
func waitForGoroutines(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    // This is a defer statement that ensures the wait group is done when the function returns
    defer wg.Done()

    // This is a for loop that waits for the wait group to reach zero
    for wg.Wait() {
        fmt.Println("Wait group reached zero")

func main() {
    // This is a channel that will be used to send messages between goroutines
    ch := make(chan string)

    // This is a wait group that will be used to wait for multiple goroutines to finish
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    // This is a goroutine that uses the channel to send a message
    go func() {
        // This is a defer statement that ensures the wait group is done when the goroutine finishes
        defer wg.Done()

        // This is a select statement that sends a message on the channel and waits for a response
        select {
        case ch <- "hello":
            fmt.Println("Sent message: hello")
            fmt.Println("Received response:", <-ch)

    // This is a goroutine that receives messages from the channel
    go receiveMessage("Bob", ch)

	// This is a goroutine that waits for the other goroutines to finish
	go waitForGoroutines(&wg)
	// This adds the goroutines to the wait group
	// This waits for the goroutines to finish

In this code, we see examples of channels, goroutines, defer statements, select statements, and wait groups. These are advanced features of Go that allow for concurrent and parallel programming, and they can be used to create powerful and efficient applications that can handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

In this example, we have three goroutines: one that sends a message on a channel, one that receives messages from the channel, and one that waits for the other goroutines to finish. The goroutines communicate with each other using the channel, and the wait group ensures that they all finish before the main function returns.

This is just one example of how to use advanced features of Go to create powerful and efficient programs. There are many other ways to use these features, and you can explore the full potential of Go by experimenting with different combinations and configurations.


Go is a modern, powerful programming language that is used for a wide range of applications. It has a simple, clean syntax and a robust standard library, and it offers features like concurrency, memory safety, and garbage collection. In this blog post, we provided a crash course on Go programming, including its features, syntax, keywords, and examples. With this knowledge, you can start writing your own Go programs and exploring the full potential of this exciting language.